2009年7月21日 星期二

visual studio常用熱鍵(hotkey)

我個人常用的visual studio 2008熱鍵一覽表

Table 1: Visual Studio Hotkeys/Default Keybindings/Shortcut keys
清單顯示熱鍵 Tools -> Customize... -> Toolbars -> Show shortcut keys in Screen Tips
源碼顯示行號 Tools -> Options... -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Display -> Line numbers
Build CTRL+SHIFT+B or F7
Build CTRL+SHIFT+B or F7
Build CTRL+SHIFT+B or F7
Build CTRL+SHIFT+B or F7
Start with Debug F5
Debug.StartWithoutDebugging Global::Ctrl+F5
Toggle/Untoggle Breakpoint F9
Edit.GoToDefinition F12 Go to definition
Edit.GoToReference Shift-F12 Finds a reference to the selected item or the item under the cursor.
Edit.GoToDeclaration Ctrl-F12 Displays the declaration of the selected symbol in the code.
Edit.GoTo Global::Ctrl+G Displays the Go to Line dialog. If the debugger is running, the dialog also lets you specify addresses or function names to go to.
Edit.GotoBrace Ctrl-] Moves the cursor to the matching brace in the document. If the cursor is on an opening brace, this will move to the corresponding closing brace and vice versa.
Edit.DocumentEnd Ctrl-End Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Edit.DocumentStart Ctrl-Home Moves the cursor to the start of the document.
Edit.ToggleBookmark Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K or Ctrl+F2 Sets or removes a bookmark at the current line.
Edit.ClearBookmarks Text Editor::Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L Removes all unnamed bookmarks in the current document.
Edit.NextBookmark Text Editor::Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N or F2 Moves to the next bookmark in the document.
Edit.PreviousBookmark Text Editor::Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P Moves to the previous bookmark.
View.TaskList Ctrl+\, Ctrl+T Displays the TaskList window, which displays tasks, comments, shortcuts, warnings, and error messages.
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut Ctrl-K, Ctrl-H Sets or removes a shortcut in the tasklist to the current line.
Edit.ScrollLineDown Ctrl+Down Arrow Scrolls text down one line but does not move the cursor. This is useful for scrolling more text into view without losing your place. Available only in text editors.
Edit.ScrollLineUp Ctrl+Up Arrow Scrolls text up one line but does not move the cursor. Available only in text editors.
Edit.WordNext Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves the cursor one word to the right.
Edit.WordPrevious Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves the cursor one word to the left.
Edit.SelectCurrentWord Ctrl-W Selects the word containing the cursor or the word to the right of the cursor.
Code View
Edit.CollapsetoDefinitions Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O Automatically determines logical boundaries for creating regions in code, such as procedures, and then hides them. This collapses all such regions in the current document.
Edit.StopHidingCurrent Ctrl-M, Ctrl-U Removes the outlining information for the currently selected region.
Edit.StopOutlining Ctrl-M, Ctrl-P Removes all outlining information from the entire document.
Search and Replace
Edit.Find Ctrl-F Displays the Find dialog.
Edit.FindinFiles Ctrl-Shift-F Displays the Find in Files dialog.
Edit.FindNext F3 Finds the next occurrence of the previous search text.
Edit.FindPrevious Shift-F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the search text.
Edit.FindNextSelected Ctrl-F3 Finds the next occurrence of the currently selected text or the word under the cursor if there is no selection.
Edit.FindPreviousSelected Ctrl-Shift-F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text or the word under the cursor.
Edit.Replace Global::Ctrl+H Displays the Replace dialog.
Edit.ReplaceinFiles Ctrl+Shift+H Displays the Replace in Files dialog.
Edit.IncrementalSearch Ctrl+I Starts an incremental search—after pressing Ctrl-I, you can type in text, and for each letter you type, VS.NET will find the first occurrence of the sequence of letters you have typed so far. This is a very convenient facility, as it lets you find text by typing in exactly as many characters as are required to locate the text and no more. If you press Ctrl-I a second time without typing any characters, it recalls the previous pattern. If you press it a third time or you press it when an incremental search has already found a match, VS.NET searches for the next occurrence.
Edit.ReverseIncrementalSearch Ctrl+Shift+I Performs an incremental search in reverse direction.
Edit.FindSymbol ALT+F12 Displays the Find Symbol dialog.
Edit.QuickFindSymbol Global::Shift+Alt+F12 Displays the Find Symbol Results window.
Next IDE Window CTRL+F6 or Ctrl+Tab
Edit.CompleteWord CTRL+SPACE or ALT+RIGHT ARROW Completes the current word or shows the IntelliSense completion list.
Edit.ListMembers Ctrl-J Lists members for statement completion when editing code.
Edit.QuickInfo CTRL+K, CTRL+I Displays the complete declaration of the identifier under cursor.
Edit.Comment-Selection CTRL+K, CTRL+C Comments selected text.
Edit.Uncomment-Selection CTRL+K, CTRL+U Uncomments selected text.
Edit.Cut Global::Shift+Del Cut the entire row from the document and past it to the clipboard.
Edit.LineCut Ctrl-L Cuts all selected lines or the current line if nothing has been selected to the clipboard.
Edit.WordDeleteToEnd Ctrl-Delete Deletes the word to the right of the cursor.
Edit.WordDeleteToStart Ctrl-Backspace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
Edit.LineOpenAbove Ctrl-Enter Inserts a blank line above the cursor.
Edit.LineOpenBelow Ctrl-Shift-Enter Inserts a blank line below the cursor.
Edit.WordTranspose Ctrl+Shift+T Moves the word containing the cursor after the next word.
Edit.LineTranspose Shift+Alt+T Moves the line containing the cursor below the next line.
Edit.MakeLowercase Ctrl-U Changes the selected text to lowercase characters.
Edit.MakeUppercase Ctrl-Shift-U Changes the selected text to uppercase characters.
Edit.FormatSelection Text Editor::Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F or Alt+F8 Format the code in the window to be nicely indented.
Edit.Insert Insert Toggles between insert and overtype insertion modes.
http://dotnetbutchering.blogspot.com/2008/02/net-top-5-visual-studio-hotkeys.html http://www.mssoftwareconsulting.com/msswc/blog/post/Reformat-Code-in-Visual-Studio.aspx http://www.dofactory.com/ShortCutKeys/ShortCutKeys.aspx

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